
Beasts have been briefly described in the section on character races. This section goes into a little greater depth and provides some concrete examples of beast races in the campaign area.

Beasts in human society

Beasts are generally thought of as second rate humans (at least by most humans). Rare is the place where beasts have the right to vote in human society for instance. Nevertheless, beasts are generally accepted in human settlements. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, beasts are not usually numerous as a race. They rarely provide significant competition for resources or land.

Secondly, people have always had, and continue to have, a fondness for animals. Friendly beasts are often regarded with an affectionate, if condescending attitude. Indifferent beasts are generally ignored as long as they do not pose a threat. Unfriendly beasts are met with violent action.

Of the beasts in the campaign area, they are roughly broken down as:

Friendly: Dogs, Cats, Mice, Beavers, Otters
Indifferent: Badgers, Bears, Foxes, Weasels and Wolves
Unfriendly: Rats, Gators, Bobcats, Shrews

It has been mentioned several times that beasts are not numerous. This is partially true. Most species are uncommon in human areas, but some tend to form hordes in the Wilderness. Dogs, mice and cats are not too rare in human cities; rats, wolves and gators are fairly well known local problems. More detail on each race is provided in their section. The unfriendlies are described in the section on barbarian tribes.

Beasts as characters

Most beast race are acceptable as player characters, though the unfriendly ones might have a social stigma to overcome if they want to be accepted by the rest of the adventuring party.

The GM has detailed guides on the building of these races. The table at the end of this section gives a rough guide of the characteristic ranges and height/weight ranges of the various races. If a player wants to build a beast, all of their characteristics must fall between the guidelines as indicated in the section on Beast Types.

One characteristic may be up to 3 points higher than the given range. Two characteristics may be any value lower. Any characteristic out of range must have a good rationale for being so. "My character is just a really strong rabbit" is not a good rationale. "My mouse toiled in the slave pits of Ontar" is a good rationale.

Height and weight requirements are guidelines only, but should not be exceeded by too great a value without a reason.


Beast Powers


With very few exceptions, animals lost their heightened senses as they became more human-like. Some animals have retained sensory advantages if they were generally perceived as being a quality of the animal. Notable exceptions are listed in the description for each race. Beasts who are listed as having Nightvision should be aware that there must be some lightsource. Nightvision would be useless at the bottom of a coal mine, for instance.

Killing Attacks

Many beasts possess formidable claws or teeth. These are all considered reduced penetration. Strength can add to the base damage. Nearly all beasts will have a minimum 1 pip HKA reduced penetration bite (4 points).
In general, a bite can be used only after a grab. Beasts such as Gators with fairly large mouths, can outright bite with no penalty. A player may increase or decrease the DCs of a killing attack by 1 when designing their character. This usually represents either a more animalistic or more humanlike form. In either case, the trait is noticeable.

Important: Beasts with claws that do a base damage of more than 1 pip should purchase the Physical Limitation: Limited manipulation, described below.


Some species of animal have natural armor. This is described in their description. Although PD and ED may be increased over time as with any character, the amount of armor is unchangeable. The only exception is very old gators, whose hide may have become thick and scaly enough to have a DEF of 3.


Most Beasts are given an acceptable range of movement. If the player wishes to increase this movement beyond the range, it counts as if it were the characteristic they were allowed to increase.

Some races have unusual movement methods, like flight or tunneling. The tunneling power is much too fast as listed. As a house rule, the rate given in the book should be considered inches per minute, not phase. DEF greater than dirt cannot be tunneled through. (Hardpan would be impossible to dig through, for instance).

Flight is usually gliding, though there is rarely any difficulty gaining elevation in good conditions when not in a combat situation. Only very tiny personal items could be carried while flying.

Growth and Shrinking

This is simulated by the revised characteristic ranges for the given race. Few races have the equivalent of more than 5 points of growth. Fewer still have the equivalent of more than 10 points of shrinking. Rather than buy these as powers, the character simply pays for or receives the bonuses or penalties using the size rules from the Fifth Edition. The appropriate disadvantage should also be used.

Unique Powers

Some beasts have powers unique to their species, such as a rabbit's superleap or a Porcupine's quills. These are detailed under each description.


Beast Disadvantages


Beasts tend to have shorter life span than humans, so Age is a more common disadvantage. Adjust the base characteristic range accordingly by age category. The listed values are for adults.


Some beasts, particularly those of violent races (Wolverines, Rats) may purchase Berserk. Berserk animals may only attack with teeth, claws or other natural weapons, however. The berserk is the tendency of the animal part of the blended psyche to become dominant.


Dependence is more of a superhero disadvantage, but there are some animals that sicken if removed from their native habitat. For example, Gators skin dries if not immersed in water after several days. This is best handled by a Physical Limitation (see below)

Distinctive Features

All beasts have as a default, Distinctive Features: Beast at 11- (10 pts). Rare beast races have a DF: Rare Beast at 14- (15 pts). Extremely unfriendly beasts (example: Gaotr) might be allowed to tack on the “Violent reaction” bonus for +5 points.

Hunted and Watched

Many unfriendlies should buy “hunted by humans, 8-” to indicate that humans and their allies are their mortal enemies. Indifferent animals that spend the vast preponderance of their time in human habitation could buy “Watched by authorities, 8-” to indicate that they are not trusted by those whom they live with.

Psychological Limitations

Beast players should all take: “Psych Lim: Animal Behavior (Common, Strong) –15pts.” This represents the beast's tendency to have values and behavior characteristic of its race. Players who wish to be more influenced by their animal psyche could buy this up to greater levels. This much animal influence is usually at the cost of human intelligence.

Physical Limitations

There are several Limitations that are common to beasts. Players may feel free to take them or not.

Limited Manipulation. This represents a beast whose hands are not quite up to human standards. Although few beasts possess hands as marvelously useful as human hands, most are capable of using human tools. Some individuals, however, may be less evolved than the bulk of their race. Beasts with claws that do a base damage of more than 1 pip should purchase this Limitation. Characters with Limited Manipulation are capable of wielding clubs, sticks, and possibly maces and spears. Weapons that require more skill are at –2 OCV. Implements which require a great deal of coordination (bows, slings), are right out. Likewise simple tools can be troublesome. A door-latch might take several phases to operate, while knives and forks would be a mystery.

A lesser version may be bought. Slightly Limited Manipulation just means that very complex skills are hindered by ill-formed hands, or large claws. The GM will decide when this is a problem.

Limited Manipulation is worth 15 points (frequently, greatly)

Slightly Limited Manipulation is worth 5 points (infrequent, slight)

Social Limitations

Most beast characters should take the Social Limitaion: Beast (Frequently, Minor) for 10 points. This is the value for modern Tallon. If the campaign is based in some other Merikian city, it is worth ( Very Frequently, Minor) 15 points. In some cities, it might be worth (Very Frequently, Major) 20 points. This represents cities like Mingatok where beasts are automatically slaves. It also represents the state of Tallon during the height of the reign of Kanukka.

Beasts who are wealthy, well-liked, or well entrenched into society might take a 5 point social limitation or even none at all.

Beast Types

What follows is a listing of the more commonly encountered Beasts in and around the campaign area. Included are racial packages. In general, a beast may vary Str, Dex, Con, Bod, Int, Ego, Pre, Com, PD and ED by 3 points plus or minus. Movement may go up or down by 2 points. Speed may only vary by one point. One characteristic may be designated as "blessed" and bought to any value the character coneption will support. Two characteristics may be any value lower, but this is not required. Any characteristic out of range must have a good rationale for being so. "My character is just a really strong rabbit" is not a good rationale. "My mouse toiled in the slave pits of Ontar" is a good rationale. If a characteristic range includes values greater than the NCM of the campaign, they do not need justification to buy them that high, but the NCM cost must still be paid as with any character.

Example: Persia wishes to be a well- trained thief with a high degree of coordination and agility honed by years of practice. The average DEX value for a Cat is 15. She would normally only be able to buy it up to 18, but with this background she may choose DEX as her 'blessed characteristic' and buy it up to 20. All her other characteristics must be within the normal range.

Example: Bruno the Kodiak is a huge Bear. His strength average is 20, so he may buy it up to 23 without GM permission. This will cost him 32 points, the same cost a human character would pay. (Remember, the cost for STR in the Savage Earth is 2 points per point of STR.)

The Bites and Claws as listed may vary by 1 DC up or down. Remember, a character with more than a 1 pip HKA claws should take the 15 point limitation: Limited Manipulation. Since there is great variance in beast humaniformity, players may suggest other alterations to their characters for GM approval. For example, a Dog character may wish to have "Analyze" bought onto his Discriminatory smell, to indicate a natural aptitude and intense training in using his sniffer. Finally, the average sizes listed are suggestions. Characters with higher physical characteristics should be slightly larger than the norm and vice versa.


Description: Badgers are human sized, but extremely broad and muscular. They are generally solitary creatures, though they mate for life when they do marry. There are no famous badgers in the Merrikian League. Badgers possess great strength and endurance.

Personality: Badgers are quiet, studious and slow to temper. They are usually loyal but do not give aid unless to dear friends. A good way to sum them up would be “quiet strength”

Communities: There are no known badger communities.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Badger Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (–1/4) 4
Claws: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (frequently, greatly) –15
Total –3
Characteristic Range
Str 15
Dex 11
Con 15
Bod 11
Int 10
Ego 10
Pre 10
Com 10
PD 5
ED 5
Speed 3
Move 6"
Ave.Size 5', 220 lbs.






Female BatDescription: Bats are rare in the Merrikian League, but they are known. They are native to the Interior. Most Bats encountered are outcasts, adventurers or explorers. They are among the smallest of beasts, rarely achieving 3 feet or 25 pounds. Their arms are delicate, but are fully functioning wings. Although true flight is difficult, they are excellent gliders.

They are nocturnal, with weak day vision (use night time modifiers). Their facial features vary widely, but they are uniformly ugly creatures. Most are capable of simple echolocation.

It is rumored that the Chupakah tribe are blood-drinkers

Male BatPersonality: Bats are cowards, usually. Physically unimposing, they prefer stealth and subterfuge to get their way. They make good thieves.

Communities: The Chupakah are savage raiders of cattle. They rarely raid farther than Ukon.
Most bats encountered in the Merrikian League claim to be of the Kyrop Tribe.
There is a tribe that lives at Niagara based in Stone Roost, a ruined (Demon King) Court.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Bat Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (–1/4) 4
Gliding 4" (Max 10) 4
Nocturnal: Nightvision 5
Active Sonar 15
Physical Limitation: Slightly Limited Manipulation (infrequently, slightly) –5
Physical Limitation: Aversion to sunlight (frequently, greatly) –15
Size: Very Small +3 DCV 20
Total 28
Characteristic Range
Str 5
Dex 12
Con 10
Bod 8
Int 10
Ego 10
Pre 10
Com 8
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 4
Move 3"/4" gliding
Ave.Size 2' 6", 25 lbs.






BearDescription: Bears are large and strong beasts. Usually slow and gentle, they are fearsome when roused. They usually have heavily clawed hands which are not adept at tool use. Black Bears are roughly human-sized, though the Grizzly and Kodiak are larger. Bears are non-gregarious. They do not form large societies but small family units. These family units however tend to dwell in particular geographic areas. Bears are uncommon in the Tallon, but can be found in other cities.

Personality: Bears are large and humorous creatures, usually at ease with their great physical power. They do not particularly care for cities or technology, preferring a simple rustic life.

Communities: There are no communities of bears in the Merrikian League, though Ukon is rumored to have several communities.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Bear Racial Package
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Claws: 1d6 HKA (2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 12
Thick Hide: Damage Resistance 1PD/1ED 2
Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (frequently, greatly) –15
Total –1
Characteristic Range
Brown Kodiak Grizzly
Str 16 20 18
Dex 14 10 10
Con 15 18 16
Bod 13 16 15
Int 10 8 9
Ego 10 12 11
Pre 14 18 16
Com 10 10 10
PD 5 7 6
ED 5 7 6
Speed 3 3 3
Move 7" 7" 7"
Ave.Size 6',







Description: Beavers are short industrious beasts who are very much at home in the water. They form extended family groups of 10–30 individuals. Beavers are natural civic engineers, at least when it comes to controlling water flow. They frequently live around mountain streams where they take advantage of their skills by grinding meal, or controlling seasonal floods that might otherwise harm the some of the agricultural areas of the Merrikian League. In return for this service, they ask for protection from Barbarians.

Beavers build large dwellings similar to ordinary beaver dams, but which are considerably more comfortable and advanced.

Personality: Beavers are naturally helpful critters, genuinely concerned with the welfare of the folk of the Valley.

Communities: Beaver communities are small and numerous. The closest to Tallon is the Sabre River Clan, about 25 individuals. They are protected by Tallon military in return for monitoring agricultural water flow.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Beaver Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (–1/4) 4
Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support (Extended Breathing, 1 END per Turn) 1
Total 5
Characteristic Range
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 12
Bod 9
Int 13
Ego 13
Pre 10
Com 10
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 3
Move 5"
Ave.Size 4.5', 110 lbs.





Description: Cats are to be found on the outskirts of many human communities. Though they form no communities of their own, they are not averse to living off the bounty of others. Somewhat small (4-5 feet), they are lithe, graceful and physically beautiful. They are excellent charmers and frequently welcome near human homes. It is considered good luck to give a cat food or lodging. Cats are expected not to outstay their welcome.

Cats are excellent hunters and will gladly repay hospitality by ridding the area of small vermin. (The non-talking kind. Usually. Cats are incurable carnivores and have few scruples about what they eat.)

Some rich folk will keep a cat as a companion.

There are larger breeds of cats that live in the wilderness. These are often called Bobcats or Cougars. The former tend to be brigands, the latter hunters and warriors.

Personality: Cats are vain, solitary and often hedonistic. However, they are also excellent acrobats, climbers and hunters. They have great patience.

Bobcats are dashing rogues, who greatly enjoy making fools of those they rob. They do everything with style. They also tend to accept just about any species into their bands.

Cougars live a life similar to the Indians of pre-Columbian Meso-America. They also tend to dress the same, though their level of sophistication is not nearly so great.

Communities: Cats do not form communities. Bobcats tend to run around in small bands, while Cougars form large groups of several families, inter-related into a larger tribe. Cougars are found in deepest Nunavut and tend to have black fur.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Cat Racial Package
Claws: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Cat's Eyes: Nightvision 5
Skill Levels: +2 Acrobatics, Brekafall, Climbing 6
Total 19

Characteristic Range
Cat Bobcat Cougar
Str 10 12 14
Dex 15 15 15
Con 12 12 12
Bod 8 10 12
Int 10 10 10
Ego 15 15 15
Pre 10 12 14
Com 12 12 12
PD 4 5 6
ED 4 5 6
Speed 4 4 4
Move 9" 10" 12"
Ave.Size 4'5",
100 lbs.






Description: Dogs are not as common as one might think. Though a few can be found in any human society (for they like and readily bond with human beings), for some reason they are not particularly numerous. Wolves are much more common. It is possible that as vested dogs evolved over generations, they became more wolf-like than human-like. Those dogs that do exist are most often found in human communities. Here they are usually found in positions of servitude, often acting as minor police officers, valets, guards, and secretaries. Most well-to-do families have dog servants.

Note that the word servant is used. Dogs are not to be thought of as slaves, though they are fanatically loyal and often assign them selves to life long service, no matter the wealth of their master.

Dogs generally occur in many breeds, and vary greatly in size. Smaller ones are sometimes companions for the wealthy and idle.

A few dogs have achieved levels of responsibility and power, but they are nearly always still directly answerable to some human.

Personality: As mentioned before, dogs are loyal. Beyond that, they tend towards the temperaments commonly associated with their breed. Dobermans are lovers of discipline, Labradors of swimming and play; Terriers are fearless.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Dog Racial Package
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Dog's Nose: Tracking for Smell 5
Dog's Nose: Discriminatory for Smell 5
Dog's Ears: Ultrasonic Hearing 3
Total 20

Characteristic Range
Small Large
Str 5 10
Dex 12 12
Con 10 12
Bod 7 9
Int 10 10
Ego 10 10
Pre 10 10
Com 10 10
PD 3 5
ED 3 5
Speed 3 3
Move 7" 7"
Ave.Size 3',
30 lbs.

Dogs are roughly divided into two classes: Large and small. Breeds are fairly blended, but a few are recognizable. Bulldogs, Labs and Dobermans are common large breeds, Terrriers and Pugs are common small breeds. The Bite listed is for large dogs, for small breeds reduce to 1 pip.






Description: Foxes are tricksters, fortune-tellers and con-men. They are travelling folk (for they quickly wear out their welcome), who tend to travel in small bands of 20-30. They claim all manner of knowledge, skills and mystic abilities, but are generally regarded with the same attitude as gypsies.

They are usually physically attractive, talented and lovers of game and dance.

Personality: Foxes are clever, sly and charming. They are good fair-weather friends. They are often good sources of information, being widely traveled, but they are known to exaggerate that knowledge if the audience is receptive. They tend to be a bit greedy.

Communities: There are few fox caravans and communities in the Merrikia area, and none of them is very large. The best known is Redtail's Circus, a band of players that performs at festivals.












GatorDescription: Gators are large and fierce humanoids of marshes and lakes. They are physically powerful with great jaws and a massive tail. They are excellent swimmers, more at home in the water than on land. They are also brutal savages who steal from others what they cannot make. They are not particularly smart. They make few tools, and most of these are weapons.

They are slow-moving and generally limited to warm territories, being cold-blooded.

Personality: Gators are really, really stupid. They are easily tricked, particularly if their attention is paid to their prowess as warriors. They have nothing but contempt for the soft fleshy ones (i.e. everybody else.) They are cannibals, even occasionally eating other Gators.

Socially they are ruled by the biggest and strongest. Since they are not very smart, rule is pretty much limited to physical proximity to the leader, so bands never get much larger than a few dozen individuals. Gators are fairly non-sexist for vicious savages.

Communities: Gators are found in the Gator Lakes, the thousand lakes of the Merrikian interior. They often prey on merchants and travelers. Some occasionally brave the salt marshes and shallow ocean if the chance of easy victims is great.



Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Gator Racial Package
Claws: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Bite: 1d6 HKA (2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 12
Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/2) 6
Tail Smash: +2d6 Hand Attack 6
Strong Swimmers: +4" Simming (6" total) 4
Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support (Extended Breathing, 1 END per Turn) 1
Scaley Hide: Damage Resistance 2PD/2ED 2
Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (frequently, greatly) –15
Total 24

Characteristic Range
Str 14
Dex 12
Con 13
Bod 11
Int 8
Ego 8
Pre 12
Com 7
PD 9
ED 9
Speed 2
Move 5"
Ave.Size 6'5", 300 lbs.






Personality: Although normally peaceful, Gorillas can be roused to quick flares of temper. They prefer to settle an encounter by making violent displays before they will engage in actual violence.
Gorillas prefer company and will form strong attachments to those they consider friends.

Communities: Gorillas are not native to the Merikian League area, nor are any communities known upon the continent that once was North America. Any Gorillas encountered are almost certainly wanderers or escaped slaves from the Celestial City.

Description: Gorillas are about the same size as a human, but broad and muscular. The males possess fearsome jaws and a large, crested head. Although not as physically impressive as an animal gorilla, they are nonetheless one of the most powerful beasts known.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Gorilla Racial Package
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Roar: +10 PRE, Only for fear-based Presence Attacks, (-1), Incantations (must roar; -1/4) 12
Arm Swing: HA + 2d6, Hand to Hand Attack, (-1/2) 13
Total 33

Characteristic Range
6', 300lbs





MouseDescription: Mice are timid little folk with a high domestic streak. They tend toward pacifism and place a high premium on family values. In human communities, they are often simple farmers, craftsmen or domestic help. Kitchens are often run by mice. Physically one of the smallest of the beast races standing less than 3 feet and rarely weighing as much as 25 pounds.

Mice tend to wear more clothing than most beasts, though they are not given to finery. A mouse knows his place, and it is a simple one. Mice are marvelously skilled with their hands, second only to raccoons in manual dexterity. They are skilled in weaving, woodworking, sewing, and the domestic arts.
Note: The mouse pictured above is a rare adventurous individual.

Personality: Mice are conservative and generous folk. They tend to disapprove of anything new, loud or wild. They are gentle peace-loving critters with a great love of home and hearth.

Communities: Mice have few communities of their own, preferring to live near friendly big folk whose protection they can count on in times of danger.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Mouse Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Size: Small +2 DCV 10
Total 14
Characteristic Range
Str 8
Dex 13
Con 10
Bod 8
Int 12
Ego 10
Pre 8
Com 10
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 3
Move 6"
Ave.Size 3', 30 lbs.




Description: Otters are water dwelling folk, of course. There are few in Merrikia, but they are not too rare. They are river otters, living on crude houseboats. They make their living engaging in trade. They are not very numerous.

Personality: Otters are fun loving people, given to capering and jests. They are generally good-natured.

Communities: The best known otters in Merrikia are those who operate the Thelon Ferry, which runs along the Thelon Inlet from Tallon to the Lizard Road. The route used to be plied by several competing lines who would often sabotage each other. The Archon Ningan awarded sole rights to a Thelon Ferry line to the Otters when they turned in the lowest bid.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Otter Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Otter Swimming: +3"
(5" total)
Aquatic Adaptation: Life Support (Extended Breathing, 1 END per Turn) 1
Sea Legs: -1" running
(5" Total)
Total 7
Characteristic Range
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Bod 9
Int 10
Ego 10
Pre 10
Com 10
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 3
Move 4" (5" Swimming)
Ave.Size 5', 120 lbs.




Description: Possum tend to live a very rustic and primitive life in the safer parts of the Gator Lakes. They are somewhat rare and do not often become involved with human affairs.

Personality: Possum are simple unimaginative folksy-types. Think banjo-playing bayou types.
True to their archetype, they escape danger by feigning deth. Intelligent Possums ahve raised this to an art form, however. Besides being able to reduce their heart rate and respiration, every possum clan will have a jar of Whiff. This is a nasty concoction made of unspeakable ingredients that reeks of disease and death. Even gators will think twice before eating possums. Even if they are not fooled, the smell is often enough to make them lose their appetite. Some Possums also foster the myth that they carry disease.

Communities: There are probably small, well defended areas of the Gator Lakes they live in. Typical Possum habitats are swamp shacks and flat-bottomed house boats.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Possum Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Playing Possum: Simulate Death 3
Nocturnal: Nightvision 5
Total 12

Characteristic Range
Str 15
Dex 11
Con 15
Bod 11
Int 10
Ego 10
Pre 10
Com 10
PD 5
ED 5
Speed 3
Move 6"
Ave.Size 5', 220 lbs.

Possums who are particualrly good at feigning death may buy acting to do a "hurry up job". Also, Possums may buy PS: Whiff Brewer.




Description: Rabbits stand 3-5 feet or taller. They tend to love the outdoors rather than cities. They prefer a simple country life of farming. As they can be rather timid, they will usually be found near the protection of a larger or more powerful species. Many of the farmers that supply food for the Merrikian League are rabbits. Rabbits may buy +2 inches ofleaping

Personality: Rabbits are homebodies, good-natured folk who love a good song or jest. Though most are timid, one rabbit out of a hundred will have a trickster personality. These are the ones that might be found as adventurers. Pictured at left is a warrior trickster rabbit.

Communities: No independent rabbit communities are known. Rabbits live in large communal warrens. There are three or four of these scattered throughout the farmlands of Tallon.














Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Rabbit Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Rabbit Ears: +3 Hearing Perception 6
Rabbit Legs: +2" Leaping 2
Small: +2 DCV 10
Total 22
Characteristic Range
Str 8
Dex 15
Con 10
Bod 8
Int 14
Ego 10
Pre 10
Com 12
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 4
Move 10"
Ave.Size 3' 6", 50 lbs.

Size does not include ear height.




RaccoonDescription: Raccoons stand about 4 feet in height. They are dexterous little folk with clever hands. They are quick, quiet and good at hiding. Raccoons live fairly independent lives, usually near large bodies of water, for they are fond of fish.

Personality: Raccoons are independent. They are not unfriendly, but they do not need the patronage of other species. They would rather hide from danger than face it, but they are not timid. Raccoons have an odd and sardonic sense of humor.

Communities: There is a small colony of raccoons at a large lake, some fifteen miles from Tallon. Humans call it Raccoon Lake. If the raccoons have another name for it, they do not tell.









Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Raccoon Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Nocturnal: Nightvision 5
Stealth 3
Total 12
Characteristic Range
Str 10
Dex 15
Con 10
Bod 8
Int 13
Ego 13
Pre 12
Com 12
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 4
Move 7"
Ave.Size 4' 5", 100 lbs.




Description: Rats stand form 3-5 feet in height and have great diversity of appearance. They have good hands that are usually filled with weapons. Their claws are not particularly menacing, but they have a decent bite. Many are rabid. They are in general, a filthy marauding bunch. They live in almost any climate and can eat nearly anything, though they prefer meat. They do not ofetn eat humans or ther intelligent beasts, but it is not entirely unknown.

Personality: Rats are cruel, cunning and vicious. They prefer to steal, rather than to create. They often keep slaves to perform all their labor. The slaves can be of any race.

Communities Rats can be found anywhere, though the largest known concentration is Ontar, which is detailed in the section on Barbarian Tribes.














Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Rat Racial Package
Claws: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Total 12
Characteristic Range
Str 12
Dex 13
Con 14
Bod 12
Int 8
Ego 12
Pre 12
Com 8
PD 6
ED 6
Speed 3
Move 7"
Ave.Size 4' 6", 130 lbs.




Personality: No one has ever stopped and talked to a shrew long enough to get to know them. Shrews are always on the move.

Communities: Shrew bands are smaller and less numerous than they were several generations ago. It is possible that the City States of Merrikia are too strong a target for them now. It is believed that they still harass barbarian tribes, though.

Description: Little better than Rats, shrews are rapacious omnivores. They maraud small farms, supply depots and isolated communities, steal what they can grab or eat and run. They are not physically imposing, but they come on small hordes. A small number of tribes have a poisonous bite. the poison is very mild, but it does weaken the victim.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Shrew Racial Package
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Some Tribes:
Weak Venom: As per Bestiary, 1 pip HKA NND plus 2d6 Con Drain, 4 Charges
Size: Very Small +3 DCV 20
Total 24 or 40
Characteristic Range
Str 5
Dex 13
Con 10
Bod 7
Int 10
Ego 14
Pre 8
Com 8
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 4
Move 5"
Ave.Size 2', 30 lbs.




Description: Squirrels are small folk, 3-4 feet in height. They are excellent climbers and gymnasts. They love the great outdoors and rarely live in cities. However, they are on decent terms with city folk and are not unusual sights on Marketday.

Personality: Squirrels are rugged individualists, at least as far as other species are concerned. For themselves, they are gregarious and deeply devoted to squirrel welfare.

Communities: Squirrels dwell in the northern reaches of Nunavut, not far from the Mundaba Tribesmen. Here they build extensive and well defended treehouse networks.





Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Squirrel Racial Package
Claws: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Bite: 1pip HKA (1/2d6 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4
Size: Small +2 DCV 10
Skill Levels: +2 Acrobatics, Breakfall, Climbing 6
Total 24
Characteristic Range
Str 7
Dex 15
Con 13
Bod 8
Int 10
Ego 12
Pre 10
Com 12
PD 4
ED 4
Speed 4
Move 9"
Ave.Size 3', 50 lbs



Personality: Weasels generally have a bad reputation as sly, devious and tricky. There are just enough of those types in the weasel community to perpetuate the stereotype. Weasels are survivors.

Communities: Weasels tend to attach themselves to other communities, like parasites.

Description: Weasels stand from 4-6 feet and have thin and supple bodies. They are not generally well liked and are merely tolerated in most places. People are naturally suspicious of weasels.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Weasel Racial Package
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Nocturnal: Nightvision 5
Total 13
Characteristic Range
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 13
Bod 10
Int 12
Ego 12
Pre 12
Com 10
PD 5
ED 5
Speed 4
Move 9"
Ave.Size 5' 6", 150 lbs.




WolfDescription: Wolves are large canine pack hunters, about 5 feet in height. They most resemble the plains and forest Indians of Pre-colonial America, both in dress, culture and lifestyle.

Personality: Wolves place a great deal of importance on the traits of loyalty and honor. Favors are returned; Insults are remembered. They have intense loyalty to others they perceive as being "of the pack". They love to run and are not ashamed to drop to all fours like some more "civilized" Beasts.

Communities: The largest known communities are the tribes of Ungava, which is detailed in the section on Barbarian Tribes.


















Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Wolf Racial Package
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Wolf's Nose: Tracking for Smell 5
Wolf's Nose: Discriminatory for Smell 5
Wolf's Ears: Ultrasonic Hearing 3
Total 21
Characteristic Range
Str 14
Dex 13
Con 13
Bod 11
Int 9
Ego 9
Pre 12
Com 10
PD 6
ED 6
Speed 3
Move 9"
Ave.Size 5' 6", 170 lbs.



Description: Short and feisty (3-4 feet) wolverines pack a lot of power into a very small bundle. They have sharp claws, strong muscles and a willingness to use them regardless for personal safety.

Personality: Wolverines can often fly into berserker rages. They tend to form nomadic communities on the outskirts of larger settlements. They stay in some place until they wear out their welcome and then move on.

Communities: Being nomadic, wolverines rarely form permanent recognizable communities. They rarely travel in groups larger than a few dozen. Any larger than that and they tend to get on one another's nerves.

Racial Package and Characteristic Range
Wolverine Racial Package
Claws: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Bite: 1/2d6 HKA (1d6+1 with Strength), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 8
Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulation (frequently, greatly) –15
Wolverine Fury: Enraged in combat (Very Common), go 11-, recover 11- –25
Total –24
Characteristic Range
Str 12
Dex 12
Con 15
Bod 12
Int 8
Ego 15
Pre 15
Com 9
PD 8
ED 8
Speed 3
Move 5"
Ave.Size 4' 6", 150 lbs.



Players who wish to play a Talker should buy the character from the values listed in the Hero System Bestiary. The following restrictions apply:
Dex, Pre and Com may vary by 3 points. Str, Con, Bod, PD and ED may vary by 2 points plus or minus. Movement may go up or down by 2 points. Speed may only vary by one point. Int may be no higher than 10. The rules governing how many characteristics may be out of range are identical as those used for Beast characters.
The GM may disallow any Talker he feels is unbalancing.


As mentioned elsewhere,some limited crossbreeding is possible between species. The practice is not common, and fertility is limited, but nearly any two species of at least the same Class (mammalia, reptilia, etc.) can interbreed. It is believed that some of the most humaniform beasts are a result of human/beast crossbreeding. This is distasteful to most humans, though not a big deal to most beasts. More common is interbreeding between beasts. Though still unusual, it is not impossible to find a fox/cat hybrid or a rabbit/squirrel. If such a character is desired, take the best of the two characteristic ranges for each characteristic. Although this makes it somewhat advantageous to play a crossbreed, the character will be unique, belonging fully to no community. This should be roleplayed and represented by a Social Limitation the value of which varies by the nature of the crossbreeding.


It has also been previously mentioned that Beast fertility is not as high as those of their animal forebears. This is true. Perhaps because their spirits are no longer purely human or animal, but beasts have greater difficulty conceiving than either humans or natural animals.

There is still a tendency towards multiple births, but the low number of term pregnancies keeps the populations low.

There are exceptions. Where beasts have banded together in extremely large bands, they tend to breed more easily and frequently. Thus, although there are a relatively small number of mice, cats and squirrels, there are fairly sizeable hordes of rats, gators, and to a lesser extent, wolves.


Table of Characteristic Ranges for Beasts

The following table shows the acceptable spread of characteristics for Beast Characters. A PC may choose one characteristic to exceed the Maximum. No more than two may fall below the minimum without good justification. The notes column indicates any special powers talents or other abilities characters of this sepcies are likely to possess.This table contains a few beasts that are not detailed above. 

Armadillo 10 11 14 9 10 10 10 9 7 7 3 5" 4.5' 140#
Badger 15 11 15 11 10 10 10 10 5 5 3 6"  
Bat 5 12 10 8 10 10 10 8 4 4 4 3" 3', 25#
Bear 16 12 15 13 10 10 14 10 5 5 3 7" 6' 250#
Beaver 10 12 12 9 13 13 10 10 4 4 3 5" 4.5', 110#
Bobcat 12 15 12 10 10 15 12 12 5 5 4 10" 5' 130#
Cat 10 15 12 8 10 15 10 12 4 4 4 9" 4.5', 100#
Cougar 14 15 12 12 10 15 14 12 6 6 4 12" 6' 200#
Dog, Big 10 12 12 9 10 10 10 10 5 5 3 7" 5', 150#
Dog, Small 5 12 10 7 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 7" 3', 30#
Fox 10 13 10 9 14 10 10 12 4 4 3 8" 5' 140#
Gator 14 12 13 11 8 8 12 7 9 9 2 5" 6.5' 300# +
Gorilla 20 12 18 13 10 10 16 10 6 6 3 6 6', 300#
Grizzly 18 10 16 15 9 11 16 10 6 6 3 7" 6.5' 300#
Kodiak 20 10 18 16 8 12 18 10 7 7 3 7" 7' 350#
Mink 10 15 12 8 10 12 10 12 4 4 4 8" 4.5', 100#
Mouse 8 13 10 8 12 10 8 10 4 4 3 6" 3' 30#
Otter 10 14 12 9 10 10 10 10 4 4 3 3" 5' 120#
Porcupine 10 10 13 9 10 10 12 9 5 5 3 5" 4.5' 100#
Possum 10 12 12 9 10 10 10 9 4 4 3 6" 4.5' 100#
Prairie Dog 10 12 12 9 10 10 10 9 4 4 3 6" 4.5' 100#
Rabbit 8 15 10 8 14 10 10 12 4 4 4 10"  
Raccoon 10 15 10 8 13 13 12 12 4 4 4 7" 4.5', 100#
Rat 12 13 14 12 8 12 12 8 6 6 3 7" 4.5' 130#
Shrew 5 13 10 7 10 14 8 8 4 4 4 5" 2' 20#
Skunk 10 12 12 9 10 10 15 10 4 4 3 6" 4.5' 100#
Squirrel 7 15 13 8 10 12 10 12 4 4 4 9"  
Weasel 12 16 13 10 12 12 12 10 5 5 4 9" 5.5' 150#
Wolf 14 13 13 11 9 9 12 10 6 6 3 9" 5.5', 170#
Wolverine 12 12 15 12 8 15 15 9 8 8 3 5" 4.5” 150#